I hunger for you like a stray dog
I want to be elbows-deep in your torso, your intestines in my teeth, your breathing shallow
and thin, your voice a mixed sonnet of my name and begs
I want to eat you whole, I want to rip at your throat and claw and dig my way into your chest,
I want to feel your heart beat in my teeth, your bones in my hands
I wish to eat you, so truly and lovingly I want to feel you, feel the blood vessels burst in my
mouth, the grip you'd have on me
I was to devour you, to feast and gnaw at you like those dogs on the road you see ripping deer
to shreds, because the act of consuming you feels so holy to me, so religious it could make
you a saint to me, consuming your body, drinking your blood, whispering you like a prayer to
the lost strays on the road